Translation is always an interpretation, a reseeing. Translators strive for "responsible reseeings" that give the reader both meaning and a sense of the original.
Anyte lived around 300 BCE north of Sparta in Tegea. We have roughly 23 epigrams of hers that have remained from antiquity.
Most likely a near contemporary of Anyte. She likely lived on the island of Telos not far from Rhodes off the Dalmatian coast in the Aegean.
Italian poet
Of Lesbos, a Greek island off the coast of Türkiye. Flourished around 580 BCE.
About the Translator
Jon-David Hague earned a PhD in Classical Studies at Boston University. His BA is from Luther College where he double majored in Latin and Greek. He also studied Latin and Greek at Captain Shreve High School, a public high school in Shreveport, Louisiana where he was born.
He wrote his dissertation, Presenting the Divine: Stagecraft and Politics in Aristophanes’ “Birds”, under Jeffrey Henderson. His mentor was Donald Carne-Ross under whom he read from the Greek Anthology, particularly Anyte. He worked under Wolfgang Haase on the Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition. Anything good here is thanks to them; all other flaws are entirely the author’s.
You can find him on LinkedIn where he is happy to connect.